Monday, January 01, 2007


It's been half a year since I visited or written anything on this blog. Back then, I felt that I should have grown out of the "blogging" phase. But perhaps, I do need this blog once in a while. There are just things that you can't tell anyone verbally, but you do want someone to know ... Get what I mean?

I never expected Shaw to still read my blog (although that was in Oct). Thanks for your comment Shaw. I too miss those "brainless" cadets days when all you had to do was to follow instructions and do them with a bunch of buddies who are in the same shit as you! Time does fly and we've ORDed for about 4 years now. And soon we shall graduate, get that piece of paper and submit ourselves to the slavery of society.

Headed down to Siloso Beach for New Year Countdown yesterday. Haven't been to a beach countdown before and decided to go since Alicia got us free VIP passes. Can't remember when was the last time I went to a proper countdown party... Can't remember when was the last time I truly enjoyed myself...

Last night was the first time I got to the brink of getting drunk. And perhaps I had the intention of getting drunk and just lose myself for a night. Not a very good drinker, I started getting high after a few rounds of free flow beer. One hour before the clock struck 12, we headed back to the VIP area where we had seats and a clearer view of the stage. Once I sat down, I didn't want to get up anymore. While everyone was standing up and counting down to the new year, I was swaying my shoulders to the beat of the music like an old man with my bottoms glued to my seat. My head felt heavy and I didn't want to stand up.

But it didn't take me long to realise that Dennis Keller was sitting behind me. And I vaguely remember a few malay ladies standing around me during the countdown. I said "Happy New Year" to no one - What a good way to start a new year! Or did I...?

Then it came. I felt my stomach acid travelling up my throat. I was sober enough to realise that the last thing I wanted for the new year was to disgrace myself by vomitting in the VIP area. I could walk straight but my legs felt light as feather. Icoolly made my way to the nearest tree that was out of sight to the VIP area and vomited. But it was cool and liberating not to give a shit about the people staring at you as you embarrass yourself in public.

I then made my way back to the VIP area and resumed sitting there and swaying to the beat like a senile old man. Not long after, we headed back to the resort room that we had booked. I felt kind of bummed out then, but honestly still conscious. We gathered around the beds and talked cock. Then, I decided to take a nap. Later, the guys decided to head back to the beach for the foam party. I had wanted to go as part of my countdown plan, but I was too comfortable in my sleeping position to get up. And that was how my countdown ended- sleeping alone in the darkness of a resort room feeling sick from the beer.

I should have joined them for the foam party. I should have gotten drunk and not felt sick. I shouldn't have just drunk beer. I should have lost myself during the last night of 2006 having been so rigid and strict with myself all year. But should-haves are all left behind in 2006 now. I guess the party was good enough since everyone had fun and I had "some" fun.

Let's look forward to a different 2007.


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