Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fucked up essays

I was supposed to collect my 2nd film essay from the lit. department. This essay constitutes 20% of the total score. The TA left it outside her office and we were to collect it. Before I could collect it, the entire pile of essays were stolen. Someone actually stole the entire stack of essays. My lecturer suspects its one of the students who did it, to gain an advantage over the rest during revision. Some people are just so low. Fucked up. Anything to get a good grade and to gain an advantage over others. Whoever you are who stole- Burn in Hell!

To make matters worse, my TA just sent me my results for the 2nd essay. Since she can't recover the marked essays, she decided to email us our marks. Guess what? I got a bloody C+!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck to infinity!

Below is my TA's email to me:

I'm sorry to inform you that the stolen essays have not been returned. You have received a high C+ grade for your second assignment so that's a nice improvement over your last essay. All the best with your exam preparation. Take care.

High C+? Nice improvement? I went from a C for the first essay to a C+. You call that high and nice? Just tell me my essay sucks and tell me how I can improve. I can't stand it that she keep making you feel like there's nothing wrong, when something is terribly wrong when you keep getting Cs. Stop being NICE at the wrong time, for the wrong purpose. And stop using that lovey-dovey tone, that [Barney the idiotically freakish purple dinosaur-Hi kids "I love you, you love me"] tone. Spank when you have to.

I was expecting a B-/B at least for what I wrote. But C and C+??? These are the worst essay results I've gotten so far. I am so fucked for this module. I screwed up 30%. Majority of people in class are getting B+ and A. Here I am, struggling to get a C. What's wrong with me? Can it get any worse off than this?

This is my worst academic season so far. No confidence in any of the module.

I will overcome...


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