Sunday, November 13, 2005

iNsYnC is officially online

Our newsletter is now officially online. And we are the first and only class to have finished the newsletter and put it online. I must say we did a pretty good job, despite my condemnation and incessant bitching about the lack of camaraderie. I must say the committee did a pretty good job.

I read through all the autobiographies of my classmates. After reading, I realised we have a pool of great talent in class. Many crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Many interesting personalities. Quite a few of them don't look the part, but actually have hidden talents. Me no hidden talents, therefore no tiger or dragon. Me frog in the well with not much talents. It's a pity we didn't know each other better when we had the chance.

I have to say that our leader writes pretty well. Perhaps that's one reason why she got the job. There were a few others who wrote pretty well too- interesting reads. Reading through all the autobios, I have to say that mine is one of the worse. The lack of vocabulary is one reason, but more importantly I did a bad job because I was bad in sharing my life. My autobio was superficial and boring. Didn't really say much about the real me!!!

I just don't like to reveal too much of ME to others. I like to stay mysterious? I'm shy to say what I really am or like? Nobody truly knows what goes on in my life. I just don't like people to know too much about me. Defence mechanism- afraid of getting hurt, afraid people will know too much about me? I'm sure there everyone has a secret part of themselves they never tell others about, except maybe with a loved one. Me no loved one, so no experience.

Wanna share yours here? Flicking your gold after digging your nose? Wearing the same underwear for weeks? A member of the KKK or Falun Gong? Slept with your lecturer to upgrade from an A to A+? Anything also can lah... My confession: Indeed, I have flicked my gold after digging my nose on several private moments. But I have to defend myself that I always ensure I flick them into the dustbin. What about you?

With exams round the corner, it's really time to get serious. I've bummed around enough. Time to hit the books. But it's just so shiok to bum around, don't you agree? I can always make up my CAP by working harder next semester, right? Why torture yourself? Uni life is supposed to be fun isn't it? Unless you get a CAP 5.0, it wouldn't do much to change your exisiting CAP anyway- so what's the point in working so hard? OK lah, me stop playing DEVIL to those trying to study. Time for me to be good boy who study and don't waste parents' money that pay for tuition fees.


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