Monday, January 10, 2005


一样的一群人, 但是感觉却不一样. 我想口是心非是人的本性之一. 仔细的自我反醒之后, 我也何尝不是. 我们说的全都是一些无关紧要, 敷衍, 应付尴尬的一些场面话. 那种流露自如, 不需经过大脑过滤的真心话变少了. 我没有想到我竟然会把尴尬这两个字和他们联想在一起. 随着时间的流逝, 距离越来越远. 实际的距离不到一公尺, 但是灵魂早已隔了十万八千里. 大家都好像有所隐瞒, 不愿多说. 我感觉好像一个快溺毙的小孩, 怎么抓也抓不到浮板, 就快透不过气了,感觉不舒服.

我想我太美化自己了. 我就是那么自以为是. 我觉得自己很了解情况, 但是我一点也不了解. 我不意表达我内心深处的感觉. 也许是我不懂得表达. 我开不了口. 我不想表达. 我不想搞杂局面. 我没有资格干涉别人的生活. 宇宙有她的规律, 人也一样. 每个人的规律不同. 每个人都会变. 自己也会变. 在没有察觉自己改变的当儿, 你可能会觉到只有别人变了. 一个人不可能永远保持不变. 人身经历是会改变一个人的.

我想自己应该是个EQ的智障儿. 我非常不善于处理人于人之间的关系. 与其说错不如不说. 祸从口出有它一定的道理. 我也不知道该说什么才好. 可能因为这样, 无里头的笑话成为了我的沟通方式. 笑话也可能是一种暂时掩盖和忘掉内心的寂默, 空虚, 无奈, 郁闷, 悲伤的一个方法. 我想我需要找一个心灵寄托, 但这不是一件简单的事, 尤其对我来说.


At 11:10 PM , Blogger littleboyken said...

Hey... didn't realized you were having an emotional rollercoaster recently. So 'cock-eyed' of me not to see that.

Anyway, instead of thinking that this fren of yours has something to hide from you and is causing u both to feel awkward, why not think of it this way: maybe he/she has his own reasons for withholding the truth from u. maybe he/she is aware of ur feelings that's why he/she's keeping quiet? maybe he/she's worried what u might think of him/her if he/she says it? maybe he/she thinks u can't handle it? maybe it isn't the time to say? there can be so many possibilities.

I know sometimes as a fren to others, u still want them to have some privacy, but on the other hand, as best frens, shouldn't there be no secrets? Of course this is a double-edged sword. but i'm sure u will understand your fren better than anyone so maybe if u trying taking the 1st step in asking him/her, you actually could get some answers. i know the feeling of having to swallow up your actual emotions is unbearable, esp it sounds like u have been doing that for a long time already. if u 2 are much closer than just frens, lame jokes can't always help in saving the embarrassing situation.

if he/she takes u as more than a fren, then find time to talk to him/her, u might just get the answer u want.

i dunno whether my words make sense or not but i hope u will feel better soon.

At 12:35 AM , Blogger KERMIT said...

Well. I am not going through any emotional rollercoaster. The post was just some 感想. Some self-reflection. That's all. Nothing emotional. Maybe the language was too flowery, making it sound too dramatic. Self-reflection is good. Keeps one grounded.


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