Wednesday, June 09, 2004

This is an entry about nothing!!

This is one of those blogs about nothing really. It is around 0133am Singapore time and I dont feel sleepy because I am too full. Had too much popcorn during the movie and had a plate of pasta after that. The effects are really starting to set in now. To make myself relaxed I am actually listening to Class 95.0- Simon Lim (The captain of your heart). Although he often talk about crappy stuff and give really irrelevant and DUH! advise but I really like the songs. I really enjoy ballads especially those from the 90s. I really feel like I should sleep now but the pasta in me is saying otherwise. Damn!!

I think I have a problem connecting with my bed! Does this happen to anyone else? Sleep is so important and a good connection with your bed is really important. You rest your soul on it. I have a failed connection with mine. Whenever I wake up, I feel like I just fell asleep. I have so many weird dreams just before I wake up only to forget most of them when I do wake up. But I do know I had a series of weird dreams. I just hope these dreams will just leave me for a night and just let me sleep in peace. Perhaps I should start communicating with my bed. Build a friendship, a common understanding. It is such a personal piece of furniture. Most often than not, your bed smells like you. Go have a sniff now- do you smell yourself? Constant change of cover is a must of course. If your are a real weirdo, go try smelling your friend's bed the next time you visit. Guess its time I go try communicate with my bed. Bye!!


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