Thursday, March 25, 2010


是宣布我妈妈不能动手术的时候。 是我阿公躺在病床上, 呼吸困难的时候。 是我阿公呼出他生命最后一口气的时候。是我一边看着无聊的电影, 一边莫名掉下眼泪的时候?

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Optimism... I try but sometimes it gets hard. And lonely. Perhaps it's easier to fall into the arms of depression and take it out on the entire world.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


She told me she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in '95.

She survived and ran a full marathon.

Ever since she recovered, she had never cut her hair short again. Her hair is an emblem of her victory, her crowning glory. The longer her hair, the further away she feels from cancer.

It's been 15 years. She's a fighter, a survivor.

I hope my mum can be one too...

Life is simply life... It comes so that it goes. We complicate things and forget how simple it can be. We have such a big ego and feel so self-important that we forget to enjoy it.

Life is...