ConfessionS Of A SleePlesS MinD
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
It's about time no more
Last trip to Mayflower Secondary today. Time does fly by. Just when you feel that a rapport is built and when you are getting used to travelling to AMK every week, it all comes to an end - almost without a warning. But we (the team) should be glad that we managed to, at least, touch a few hearts, change a few mindsets and make a difference to a few lives. OK, Maybe I'm exaggerating. But I do feel we made an impact, to whatever little extent, at PDP - at least for those whom we had more chances to interact with.But I feel we should have done better and thought through our activities more. We did good for a first attempt, but I just feel that this last session should have been better. We shouldn't have pushed the burden of the activities to Steven. We should have catered the salads more to the teenagers' taste. We should have made it more relevant to their lives. But should-haves are history... And we forgot to thank Steven for all the prep and work.
But this journey with the team has been nothing short of fantastic. It's one of the few projects where I have fun doing work. It's one of the few projects where you feel something is really done - something that connects, something that you can take with you, something that affects real people. real events, real spaces - not just a project with words put together and really doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. It will be a chapter of my NUS life. Thank you team... We'd better keep in touch after graduation as I try frantically to fit into the mould of this society. Hope I don't lose myself in the process.
After this experience and the YEP to Philippines, I just kinda feel that I am enjoying interactions with youths. Doing something that makes a change. Perhaps it could be something I wanna consider for a career? Hmm... High pay & sucky job OR low pay & something I really like... Let's just see what happens. Let me get through the month of April first. Staying positive for now...
Monday, April 02, 2007
Counting down to the thesis deadline
Before you expect this to be some intellectual entry, be warned that it is nothing short of boring, shallow and documentative.It's now 40 minutes past 2 a.m. on the morning of April 2, 2007. My honours thesis will be due in around 14 hours. Hope the binding went well... We shall see how it looks when I collect it later today. Didn't do a good job with it and don't think I put in as much effort as the rest of my friends who appeared to be utterly devoted to their thesis. After much self-reflection, I think I paid more lip service than the actual work I put into it. That is beside tha fact that I did a sloppy job with citations and references. You reap what you sow... Don't expect a miracle.
With thesis out of the way, it's a load off my shoulders. Right after sending it for binding, I headed to down to BK and indulged in a Mushroom Swiss Double Meal. Heavenly, divine, sinfully creamy... It's always a pleasure to enjoy junk food when you feel really tired or stressed out! I guess junk-food therapy works for me. I also realised that the regular coke at BK has shrunk in size. The regular at BK used to be the same size as the medium at Mac's... Not anymore.
Was suppose to celebrate Sam's birthday over lunch today but the birthday boy wasn't there. ??? Tucked in to Manhattan's Fish Market, the lesser twin of Fish&Co. Can't say it's good. I would give it 3/5 stars. Kinda disappointing actually... As usual, ended up playing mahjong after lunch. It seems to be the only activity, apart from dinner, that we do everytime we meet up. Because of that, I have committed myself to another sleepless night tomorrow as I have project work and subtitling to be completed by Tuesday. Have to work through the night again! And that cup of Yuanyang I had just now at Hong Kong cafe is sort of keeping me up. Boy, do I love to torture myself!
I'm glad to find out that Elaine Chew linked TCO and my article of her performance on her official website. Yeah! Hope people read it. More exposure for me and for TCO. At least, I tried to leave TCO with a bang!
MNO meeting over MSN was screwed up. Nobody was participating in it, except for the few of us. Nobody was interested to know what still needed to be done. Come on, when it needs to be done, suck your thumb and do it!!! The report and presentation are due tomorrrow! and you expect the project to be do itself and show up in class all edited and ready tomorrow?!! OK, I don't I haven't been exactly on the ball to begin with and all of you have contributed to your parts. But still, a little more effort would have been appreciated.
Can't wait for the semester to end and get on with the stuff that I want to do before I start work and sell myself to the slavery of society. But I know I will surely miss all this... sleeping late, waking up late, skipping lessons, Campus Observer, talking cock with friends, student discounts, long holidays, cheap food in school, cheap lessons, whinning about school work and everything about being a student. Also, not getting called up for reservice and IPPT. It will soon be time to let it all go... I dunno if I'm ready for that - being the immature kid that I am. Feel the anxiety grow stronger everyday and feel so lonely sometimes.
One step at a time... One step at a time...