Saturday, January 19, 2008


最近,总觉得自己好空虚、寂默。我本以为我寂默惯了,就算一人独处也没关系。 但是, 渐渐地, 我发觉我可能永远都不会习惯或享受寂默独处的感觉。

生命的意义是什么?除了工作, 我好象什么都没有了。就算是在事业的道路上,我也走得很迷惘, 似乎迷失了方向。这可能就是我怀念校园生活的原因。 学生时代的我好象拥有更多, 希望也更大。 渐渐地,希望好象一一破灭。

朋友也都“长大”了, 都在为自己的将来冲刺, 为自己的幸福规划。朋友也只(能〕是朋友, 能放在你身上的时间和心思只能那么多, 而这时间和心思务必会随着时间而减少。朋友啊。。。

25岁的我再也不能对身边的一切视而不见。 姐姐已结婚生子,成家立业了。 我还能放任自己幼稚下去吗?这社会能接收幼稚的我吗?看着40多岁的同事孤家寡人, 心里难免有点惶恐, 害怕自己落得同样下场。 这不代表我对“孤家寡人”有任何主观的意见。这是个人选择。 但这不是我想要的未来。可是,我适合除了“一人独处”以外的生活模式吗?我能想象60多岁而单身的我是个变态的独居老人。其实,这画面还蛮好笑的。


我能达到的, 我不想要。 我想达到的却永远离我那么遥远。我可能就是那么喜欢折磨自己。离变态老人的目标不遥远了。。。


Sunday, January 13, 2008


词/曲: 周杰伦

难过 是因为闷了很久
你说 苦笑常常陪著你

不想太多 我想一定是我听错弄错搞错
拜托 我想是你的脑袋有问题
随便说说 其实我早已经猜透看透不想多说

不懂 你的黑色幽默
想通 却又再考倒我
说散 你想很久了吧
当作 是你开的玩笑
想通 却又再考倒我
说散 你想很久了吧

黑色幽默 - Still my favourite Jay Chou track. This song hits a chord so directly. Not as pretentious as some of his later works.


当你开的玩笑,我已不能乐在其中。当笑话建筑在我的痛苦上,一切再也不是一个幽默的笑话。不好笑, 也不好玩。

Sunday, January 06, 2008

07' A year of transitions

It's 2008. Time to get a grip of my life... Feel that I'm starting to lose the plot.

2007 has been a year of transitions (for better or for worse):
Student TO Working "Adult"
Brother TO "Uncle" of my sister's newborn
Friend to my friends TO friend to my friends who are newly-weds
Skinny TO Skinnier Still

The Status Quo?:
Single, Singler, Singlest

Attended 2 weddings towards the end of '07 - Kartik's Big Fat Indian Wedding and Wenfu's Sweert Holy Matrimony. There goes two big fat ang-baos out of the window. Despite that cynical comment, my sincere and best wishes to the new couples.

Kartik and his bride

Traditional ceremony held at Sri Mariamman Temple

Didn't bring my camera to Wenfu's wedding. But you can imagine one of those saccharine sweet weddings - flowers, photo collage, video, groom serenaing the bride, kisses, etc... Was a good chance to catch up with old classmates. We could also eat without reservations, unlike one of those awkward wedding dinners where everyone is a stranger at the table.

The biggest turning point - I became an UNCLE on Nov 30th 2007. My niece turned one-month old last weekend.

My precious niece, Glynys, who was oblivious to the preparations that were going on around her.

She got the entire family excited about life again... Thank you for coming into our lives.

As for the last day of 2007, Thanks to those who were there with me. You know who you are.

OK. Feeling kinda tired. Till the next blog...