Speaking without words
I was travelling on the train today when I saw this cute little baby on the laps of her mother. It was a normal scenario in the MRT until the mother started conversing with her friend in sign language. Later on, the husband started joining in in sign language. The immediate thought in my head was "Is the child a mute?" It was an affirmed negative when I heard the baby saying some baby language. After that I heard the mother talking to the baby and her husband. It was actually the friend who was unable to speak. At first I felt sorry for her, but after seeing how normal she looked and how casual she was in conversing in public in sign language, I didn't know if I should pity her. Do I even have a right to pity her? I guess it takes a more courageous person with so called 'defects' to lead her life in a normal way and really see herself as no different from anybody alse. Now that is courage. We should all respesct her.
The power of sign language to convey messages amazed me. But I still think that the full scope of expression to be conveyed is best brought about through speech and by voice. Human language is still a more perfect way to convey a message. Looking at them speak through sign language makes me appreciate what a gift from God it is to be able to speak. But I guess it is this ability to speak that breeds problems and sins. This gift from God is also a poison chalice that we use to spread gossip and rumours, to insult and defame, to swear and curse, to lie and deceive. We often abuse this instrument, using it to harm others. Incessant brainless use of it can bring trouble upon oneself as well. Yet it is the reality of life that sometimes you cannot always be true with what you say or mean what you say. But I think I have been true to myself most of the time, but of course I have used it as a tool to get things my ways as well. Those who exploit it and manipulate it the best are those who "succeed". Such is the reality of life...
This could happen to you!!

This is my friend's picture the night after receiving that phonecall..... No, it wasn't a call from Sadako but a call from the Credit Card Company...
Chinese Poem (THE INSANE ONE)
Shen Jing Bing
You Mao Bing
Tou Chi Wo De Wei Ta Ming
Qu Dao Yi Yuan Mei You Bing
Hui Dao Jia Li You You Bing
Yi Sheng Shuo Ni Shen Jing Bing Ya
The Singapore Bus Syndrome
Had to take a bus to go to work today. Really hoped there were seats as I would be standing the entire day for work. But as usual the Singapore Bus Syndrome. The inner seat is haunted syndrome. The it is too inconvenient to alight if I sat inwards syndrome. The I want my privacy so dont come near me syndrome. There were so many empty seats but those idiotic f**kers just refused to move in. A simple manouvre of the butt isnt that exhausting right. It is time they had a bus courtesy campaign (might as well since the govt is so prone to campaigns). Singaporeans should just RELAK a little and not get so stressed up everyday. The stress is written on the faces. Be more open to strangers and give me my seat when I need it.
At the point of writting this post, I was possessed by the Spiteful Bitch persona, so forgive me!!
I met a schoolmate yesterday which happens to be in the supermarket by the way. She did not notice me, perhaps she has forgotten who I was. I just cant recall her name and I am sure she doesn't remember mine as we were more like aquaintances. She has changed so much. The dressing, the hair, the face, the entire aura. She looks Grown.I then started recalling what I look like in the mirror and realize I hardly changed. Still the old me with that semi-idiotic look. It was like what a friend mentioned during our primary schoolmates gathering. He mentioned that I hadn't changed at all, just "elongated". I guess it is good to remain as you are, but I am really looking forward to a change, something different, something refreshing, something more comfortable to the eye. Wish me LuCk!!

I like this picture a lot. It was after the rain and we were the first ones to set foot on the beach...The sight of the beach with no one else's footprints but yours...

My Fredrik Ljungberg Attempt.Sexy Yah!?
This is an entry about nothing!!
This is one of those blogs about nothing really. It is around 0133am Singapore time and I dont feel sleepy because I am too full. Had too much popcorn during the movie and had a plate of pasta after that. The effects are really starting to set in now. To make myself relaxed I am actually listening to Class 95.0- Simon Lim (The captain of your heart). Although he often talk about crappy stuff and give really irrelevant and DUH! advise but I really like the songs. I really enjoy ballads especially those from the 90s. I really feel like I should sleep now but the pasta in me is saying otherwise. Damn!!
I think I have a problem connecting with my bed! Does this happen to anyone else? Sleep is so important and a good connection with your bed is really important. You rest your soul on it. I have a failed connection with mine. Whenever I wake up, I feel like I just fell asleep. I have so many weird dreams just before I wake up only to forget most of them when I do wake up. But I do know I had a series of weird dreams. I just hope these dreams will just leave me for a night and just let me sleep in peace. Perhaps I should start communicating with my bed. Build a friendship, a common understanding. It is such a personal piece of furniture. Most often than not, your bed smells like you. Go have a sniff now- do you smell yourself? Constant change of cover is a must of course. If your are a real weirdo, go try smelling your friend's bed the next time you visit. Guess its time I go try communicate with my bed. Bye!!

First time I hit over 10000 for Solitaire!! Yo Hoo!
There are just so much negativities in life. So many things can go wrong. I think it is time to look on the bright side. It was only after a recent incident that made me realize what a whiner I was. I always complain about things around me. It is like a habit. I guess it is always something I use to keep a conversation going. I sort of develop a natural tendency to bitch about. Bitching and whining got me into trouble during this incident. After this incident, I started comtemplating about how I was leading my life and what kind of a person I was. I have always felt that my friends were luckier than me. I was always getting into trouble for stupid things but not them. I felt angry for the unequal treatment on me. But the incident really woke me up! I realize that it was I who was getting myself into trouble. More often than not, me and my big mouth. I just have this uncontrollable blabber, tendency to complain about things. It is like this inertia that is hard to stop when the ball starts rolling. Maybe it is true that I am not a very lucky person, but I think I have been fortunate enough in some aspects.
I was thinking so much about it the night of the incident that I could not sleep. I started realizing that perhaps it wasn't so much luck but more on the fact that I am not skillful in bending the rules or playing the game. In that case, I think I had better keep my mouth shut. Let the trash filter through my brain before I go through verbal diarrhea and regurgitate all the trash in my mind. Leave the trash for the blog perhaps- they might be good entertainment for those who read. PLay by the rules perhaps? It is like a trap from God- I most often then not get caught when I try to bend the rules. Guess I am just too unaware of my surroundings or stupid for the game or the politicking.
Time to learn to think more and talk less trash and act as if I know everything. Because when I think back, I think I act like an immature idiot. But this will be a hard process for me, to be ever so aware and to think through all before I say them.I am so used to being the clown among my friends. At the time when I am the clown, I guess I feel really happy that I am contributing. But sometimes when I just thnk back on how stupid I have acted, I feel upset with myself. I feel so wasted. I feel foolish. I just hate it when I feel damn smart sometimes when I do not know enough, when I act like I know something when I haven't got a clue, when my pride stands in the way of enlightenment. I want a change in the way the game of my life works and not to regret my actions later. This will be a hard process but I hope I will get there...eventually.
Go do your own reflection now.... Leave me comments if you wish to share your experiences...
Whatever, Whatever
Dear Oedipus,
The father of all complexes. The root of desire, temptation and sin. How have you been? What have you done to all of mankind after you? Are you honoured to have you name passed down for centuries? Is this how it is with us Man? Were you the cause of all these? You live in all of us, like they say. Or do you really? I don't know. You are supposed to but nobody can be dead sure. Have you forsaken some or forgotten about them?
Dear you,
Are you normal??What's normal? By asking this, I must be abnormal. No normal person would ask such a question. But I must be normal enough to question abnormality. So in this case what am I? I question both abnormality and normality. Who decides if you are normal? The normal tells you you are normal? Or do the abnormal make you decide that you must be normal? As the society change and liberate, the paradigm shifts. There is greater leeway for (ab)normality. As the "abnormal" group opens up and expands, the abnormality is slowing approaching normality. Just observe and see.
.sdrawkcab secnetnes eseht daer
.sdrawkcab secnetnes eseht daer
od ot gnihton htiw won derob etiuq gnileef ma I yllautca
gnipeels ekil leef tnod
flesym esuma ot hsirebbig siht gnitirw tsuj os
edoced ot deganam uoy fi uoy knaht
Pic taken at Redang

Wish I was back there!!!
Bow down to the LeGenDary FROG!!!

Kermit just popping by!!!
"Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds, gotta keep your up to the sky...."- Des'ree
I just love this song and the lyrics.